There are so many reasons that you should vote for Left wing candidate Jing Shi. One reason is that SHI’S THE ONE! Jing Shi covers economy, military, environment  health care and somehow makes them all fit together and make sense. Ms. Jing wants to create jobs by making natural power plants that will benefit the economy and the environment. This will also take oil and gas out of the picture and lift the pressure off of America’s shoulders to intervene in wars because of the oil they have. She will monitor businesses according to environmental standards. She will also provide free health care and education that will allow the people to get jobs easily. She has very humane views and unlike the other candidates realizes that every human is entitled to be taken care of if their sick. Unlike Ms. Gladstone who does not think illegal immigrants deserve health care or Mr. Millhouse who does not want free health care for anyone. She will raise taxes for the 1% of high level people in America to support the less fortunate people. This does not negatively effect the rich citizens because it will better the economy and help their business prosper. Candidate Jing is all for reducing the military spending and make peace in the world with strong international relations. When Jing Shi is president she will allow illegal immigrants to stay as long as they don't have a criminal background. VOTE FOR JING SHI, SHI IS THE ONE!!! :)
Today we had guest endorsers come and speak about our candidates. The guests that spoke were State Senator Len Fasano, State Senator Martin Looney and State Senator Toni Harp. These guests represented the right, left and moderate wing. They talked about what their candidates believe in and what they would change to make the United States a better country. On the right wing was State Senator Len Fasano, he supported all of the decisions that this wing is supporting. He talked about people who they have met along the way that agree and support their campaign ideas. The left wing had State Senator Toni Harp and she also supported the issues and ideas. State Senator Martin Looney was the moderate wing guest and he talked about how their certain beliefs can change the world. The endorsers made a clearer understanding for what our candidates stand for to change the world if they become president
Caitlyn Bridge and Amanda Carroll spoke at the Environmental Rally today. Also speaking at the rally was Right Wing Party member Chris Izzo, Moderate Wing candidate Sonya Gladstone, and Left Wing candidate Jing Shi. Each speaker had described the problems that were affecting the environment; they also provided possible solutions. For example, Bridge had talked about air pollution, and had suggested the placement of air filters in smoke stacks to deal with this dilemma. Most of the speakers had at one point said the phrase “Change now, not tomorrow.” What they had meant was that we should try to solve these environmental problems before they get out of hand, and are too large to resolve. Carroll said that “if we don’t act now, we could damage the environment forever.”
I spoke to Bridge and Carroll again after their rally. When asked about which candidate they were supporting, they said that they support The Moderate Wing’s candidate Sonya Gladstone. They support Gladstone because improving the environment is a very significant and prominent point in her plan. They hope that Gladstone will help them make the US a greener place to live in.
Gladstone believes that her environmental plans will create jobs. However, she does not say how many jobs will be created, and over what time frame. Based on her recent press release, Gladstone wants to expand the use of wind and solar power. However, she does not explain where the money for the initial investment in wind and solar will come from. Several scientists believe that the US cannot rely on solar and wind power alone; the US will continue to rely on oil, nuclear, and natural gas. She doesn’t explain how these fit into her plan. Many Americans work in the oil, nuclear, and natural gas industries.

The Environmental Rally may have been full of excitement and expectancy for a cleaner environment, but I did not hear a concrete plan on how they will achieve this goal.

The candidates went head to head in a debate that gave the public insight on where they stand.  To follow that, the candidates attended rallies that were hosted by enthusiastic rally leaders with important topics to discuss.  During the debates, questions were asked about healthcare, military, environment and education.  These are some key points that the public is truly concerned about.  Based on the answers during the debate from the left wing, it is clear that they strongly support a free healthcare and education system.  These standings may appeal closely to parents and senior citizens.  On the other hand, the right wing backs more private education and a positive system for the good illegal immigrants. They believe that people with a private education get better jobs, and want the immigrants who want to do good for society to stay and only send the ones who only want to smuggle illegal goods or people onto US soil away. These views can appeal to the upper and middle class, and also the people who are legalized immigrants.  The moderate wing lies in the middle with support for public and private schools, as well as a gradual switch to alternative energy sources in the US.  They believe that the people can choose which education system they want, but each will ultimately have government funding that will improve the quality and attendance of the schools across the country.  These points may appeal to the upper and middle class as well as the environmentalists.  It’s a close race.  Who will win?

Today I am going to look at how each wing handled the topics of military and environment.  First, I'll start with the right wing. Corey Millhouse strongly supports arming the rebels in Syria, and wants to immediately withdraw the troops from Afghanistan. He also wants to supply the rebels with medical care and other supplies such as food. According to the environment we didn't get a lot out of Mr. Millhouse. He does not support farms and during the debate said he is not worried about the future. He did not support alternative energy like the other two candidates. In the moderate party Sonya Gladstone believes in no government involvement in foreign affairs and using military as a last resort. She wants to bring the troops from Afghanistan home just like candidate Corey. In environment Ms. Gladstone thinks we should use alternative energy that will be made possible by the more educated generation. She also realizes this will be a very slow change and will not determine a better present or near future. As for candidate Jing Shi for the Left wing she believes in strong international ties, but did not answer specifically to what was going on in Syria. She also plans to cut military spending for more important and humane causes. In environmental causes Ms. Shi wants to regulate businesses according to environmental standards and to use alternative energy. Overall I think all three candidates had good points, and hope that the left party rises above the rest in the elections. 
Out of the three parties, the Right Wing Party’s proposal’s appear to provide the best chance of bringing the US out of the recession. Providing tax relief to business owners will free up their tax burdens, which allows them to invest more in their own businesses. Therefore, more people will be hired, and less Americans will be unemployed. The Left Wing Party and the Moderate Wing Party do not provide a realistic plan to move the US forward. Training workers, which is part of the Left Wing’s plan, is pointless if companies don’t have the resources to hire them. In the past, companies train their workers, not the government. The Moderates promise to create jobs and improve the environment, but they do not provide any details on how they will accomplish this.

The Right Wing’s platform also includes the idea of maintaining military strength. Not only will this provide security for ourselves and our allies, but it will also create several high-paying jobs for Americans.

The US’s deficit will not improve without severe spending cuts. All over Europe, the economies are collapsing because of unchecked spending. The government is not nearly as good as private industry when it comes to doing things in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. The US Postal service, for example, is not as effective as FedEx and UPS. The private delivery companies are innovative which results in better service for less money. Another example is the space program. On October 10th, the commercial (non-government) company SpaceX successfully docked their ship to the International Space Station. They did this cheaper and faster than a government run agency like NASA could have done it.

The Right Wing Party supports converting Medicare into a voucher system, and eliminating Obamacare. This will cut the cost to taxpayers, and will reduce the deficit in the long run. Private health insurance companies competing against each other will prove to be more efficient than a single government-run agency.

The Right Wing Party states in their Press Release that they would like to “encourage the growth of private schooling.” It is possible that this could be accomplished by providing vouchers. Instead of being forced to send your children to a poorly performing public school, you will have the opportunity to send your child to a better performing private school. This will force public schools to step up their game; public schools need competition in order to stay alive.
The Right Wing Party has goals, and they have a plan to accomplish them. The other two parties have not presented a firm strategy that will accomplish their goals.